Free city skylines game code
Free city skylines game code

The newly released game is a modern take on the classic city simulation, it introduces new gameplay elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city while expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. To use Real Time, players need to subscribe to this Steam Workshop item.Cities: Skylines was released yesterday on Steam and until now it has 1374 Overwhelmingly Positive reviews from the users, but some of them also reported errors and bugs in the game. Real Time is published on Steam Workshop. Furthermore, the CPU usage and the graphic adapter load increase drastically, because every citizen needs to be precisely simulated. With large cities, there are some game limitations that make it difficult for Real Time to keep the citizens behavior realistic. Real Time works best with medium-sized cities (population up to 65.500). When waiting for public transport for too long or stuck in a traffic jam, citizens get angry and cancel their journeys.Citizens remember how long they need to get to work and use this in their schedules, trying to be on-time.When the weather becomes bad, citizens try to shelter from the weather in the buildings.Citizens switch the lights off when they are going to sleep, as well as many other parks and buildings.The building construction sites pause at night.There are restrictions how many construction sites are allowed at the same time in the city.The buildings will be constructed slowly.Tourists also prefer to sleep at night.Citizens might go shopping even when they don't need any goods - just for fun.Some adult citizens will take night shopping tours.Only few citizens will go out and party at night (in leisure buildings, if there are any).In the night time, no one will visit parks a single exception: the 'Night tours' policy is activate in a park.Tourists can stay in the city for longer, if there are some hotels.In addition to the game events, there are some other events for various unique buildings in the city. Citizens can attend events like football matches.Children stay at home in the late evening.After work or school, the citizens go shopping or relaxing.

free city skylines game code

  • The school ends earlier, so the children can have spare time.
  • free city skylines game code

    Families prefer to go on vacation all together (parents and children). Citizen can go on vacation for some days.Citizens can go out for lunch, if there are some commercial buildings near the citizens' workplaces.A lot of traffic, especially at rush hour times.The adults may also work second shift, night shift, and some of them work on weekends!.The adult citizens go to work in the morning.

    free city skylines game code

    Finally, a student needs another 5 in-game days to get the highest education level. A teen needs 10 in-game days to graduate from a high school and become a young adult.

  • Slower aging changes the education system: a child needs 5 in-game days to graduate from an elementary school and become a teen.
  • Citizens live up to 85 years, so with Real Time - up to 85 in-game days.

    free city skylines game code

    1 in-game day equals to 1 citizen's year.

  • The sunrise and the sunset times depend on the map location and on the day of year.
  • The time speed can be configured for the daytime and for the night time separately. Real Time makes the game way more real and more challenging! Key Features Time flow Adjusts the time flow in the game to make it more real.

    Free city skylines game code